The Answer Phone Transcription

Todd, its err Charles. Errmm, No. Strange things on the contents page. Not quite sure why… umm… I’m getting some sort of little notes flashing up… errmm… seems to be indicating as though the file is, or my errm my files or my system is not actually err, you know, of a grade that can deal with what you sent me. But, errmm, the umm……………… umm…I’m getting it with all of them now, you’re obviously going err umm, I’m getting it on all of them, erm the most recent ones you’ve sent me, errm, I don’t know what you’ve done but you’ve … yeah, all the pictures are missing. You started to send me errm… whatever you’ve (laughs…) been doing up until today with the pdfs is… has changed because they’re umm… not coming through… ermm… we did talk about changing running fitness to green and that hasn’t happened I can see that errmm… on the running fitness so that’s stayed, seems to have stayed brown and not a different green errmm… so err… needs to change ermm… Yeah, I don’t know what’s going on mate and all of a sudden it’s gone a bit wonky err.. this end looking at the pdfs you’re sending through. OK? Bye…