Roy Castle Was Right

Ive spent the last week trying to learn the web programming language of CSS or cascading style sheets, most sites these day are made using them, so I guessed I should make the effort. After spending hour upon hour, running step by step through never ending tutorials to build the worlds worst looking website...I thought I had it. So, with a whole Friday night ahead of me I sat down and started to construct a new t2design website using my newly mastered skill. Like a Jedi in the clone wars I went to work ruthlessly attacking my design......I couldn't even work out how to make a simple button???? What was going on? Anyway I stuck at it, and sure enough with the theme from Record Breakers ringing in my ears I managed to put together a rather lovely looking page. Its only the start, but as that complete twat of a deputy head from humphry davy school ‘Mr Pender’ famously said “Great Oaks grow from small Acorns”

so people of the world.....and I know you’re reading – come marvel at the wonder ive created. Check it out at – a work in progress......dedication is what you need.